1. 关于ZDOO
1.1  关于ZDOO全协同办公系统
1.2  ZDOO主要功能列表
1.3  如何获得技术支持
1.4  ZDOO授权协议
1.5  ZDOO的版本说明
2. 安装升级
2.1  使用源码包安装ZDOO(各系统通用)
2.2  windows用一键安装包安装(推荐)
2.3  linux用一键安装包
2.4  宝塔面板安装ZDOO
2.5  渠成命令行安装 ZDOO基础版
2.6  如何升级ZDOO协同办公系统
2.7  旧版然之升级 ZDOO
2.8  使用ZDOO在线云办公管理服务
2.9  如何备份ZDOO
2.10  去掉ZDOO访问地址中的zdoo
2.11  安装ioncube扩展
2.12  安装php-zip扩展
2.13  CentOS7、CentOS8安装httpd,mariadb,php环境
3. 客户管理(crm)
3.1  客户管理的基本流程
3.2  添加一个产品
3.3  创建一个客户
3.4  开始一个订单
3.5  签署一个合同
3.6  联系人管理
3.7  名单管理
3.8  供应商管理
3.9  设置客户管理的基本信息
3.10  客户管理的基本统计报表
4. 日常办公(oa)
4.1  待办管理
4.2  审批管理
4.3  考勤管理
4.4  请假管理
4.5  补班管理
4.6  加班管理
4.7  年假管理
4.8  调休管理
4.9  出差管理
4.10  外出管理
4.11  报销管理
4.12  公告管理
4.13  节假日管理
4.14  设置管理
5. 项目管理(proj)
5.1  项目管理流程简介
5.2  创建项目
5.3  创建任务
5.4  任务的各种操作
5.5  任务的三种视图
5.6  项目的各种操作
6. 文档管理(doc)
6.1  文档库简介
6.2  创建文档库
6.3  创建文档
7. 现金记账(cash)
7.1  为什么做记账管理
7.2  添加账户
7.3  账户管理
7.4  登记初始余额
7.5  设置记账科目
7.6  记收入/支出/转账
7.7  记投资和赎回
7.8  记借贷和还贷
7.9  批量记账
7.10  创建导入模板
7.11  导入账目
7.12  对账管理
7.13  现金记账统计报表
7.14  设置权限
8. 团队分享(team)
8.1  为什么做团队分享模块?
8.2  维护基础的数据
8.3  团队模块功能介绍
9. 后台管理
9.1  后台的基础信息维护
9.2  添加成员和维护部门结构
9.3  分组权限管理
9.4  添加应用和应用权限管理
9.5  如何配置email发信
10. 应用导航(ips)
10.1  应用导航功能简介
10.2  禅道集成
11. 定制开发
11.1  如何对ZDOO进行定制开发
11.2  ZDOO的目录结构
11.3  如何找到要修改的文件
11.4  数据库结构


2016-02-26 15:14:50
最后编辑:薛才杰 于 2020-03-04 08:52:35










ZENTAO OPEN SOFTWARE LICENSE 由青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(easysoft.ltd)起草,简称ZOSL协议。











  1.1 我没有对该软件提供任何技术支持的义务,您可联系我购买商业的技术支持。
  1.2 我对因使用该软件而产生直接或间接的任何问题不负任何责任。
  1.3 开放不等于免费,开放不等于无版权,开放软件的发展需要您我共同的努力。


2.1 您个人或您就职的公司(组织)可自由使用该软件,我不对您或您就职公司(组织)的性质做任何限制。
2.2 您可以在您个人或您就职公司(组织)任意数量的电脑上运行该软件,我不对电脑的数量做任何限制。
2.3 您可以对该软件开放的源代码进行修改以适应您个人或您所在公司(组织)使用的要求,您做的改动无需对外发布。
2.4 您个人或您就职公司(组织)使用该软件时,必须保留该软件的所有标志,不得以任何方式隐藏或遮掩任一标志。


3.1 您可以使用该软件为您的用户部署各种形式的应用,我不对应用的性质做任何限制。
3.2 您可以使用该软件为您的用户部署任意数量的应用,我不对应用的数量做任何限制。
3.3 您可以对该软件开放的源代码进行修改以适应您的用户的要求,您做的改动无需对外发布。
3.4 您对该软件开放的源代码所做的修改可以源代码或二进制的方式提供给您的用户。
3.5 您使用该软件为您的任一用户部署的任一应用都必须保留该软件所有的标志。
3.6 您使用该软件为您的任一用户部署的任一应用都不得以任何方式隐藏或遮掩该软件任一标志。


4.1 您可以使用该软件搭建在线服务,为您的用户提供服务,我不对该服务及该服务用户的性质做任何限制。
4.2 您可以使用该软件搭建在线服务,为您的用户提供服务,我不对该服务的用户数量做任何限制。
4.3 您可以对该软件开放的源代码进行修改以适应在线服务的要求,您做的改动无需对外发布。
4.4 您使用该软件搭建在线服务时,必须以明确的方式告知您的用户该服务是基于该软件搭建的。
4.5 您使用该软件搭建在线服务为您的任一用户部署的任一应用必须保留该软件所有的标志。
4.6 您使用该软件搭建在线服务为您的任一用户部署的任一应用不得以任何方式隐藏或遮掩该软件任一标志。
4.7 您使用该软件搭建在线服务时,不得为您的用户提供去除、隐藏或遮掩该软件任一标志的功能。


5.1 我欢迎并感谢您将该软件发布在您的个人网站、企业官网或者其他的第三方网站。
5.2 我欢迎并感谢您将该软件集成在其他系统中一起发布,比如云服务镜像、操作系统发行版等。
5.3 您在发布或者集成该软件的时候,不得对该软件开放的源码做任何改动。
5.4 您在发布或者集成该软件的时候,须保留该软件的所有标志。


6.1 我欢迎并感谢您为该软件开发衍生作品。
6.2 您开发的衍生作品中涉及到对该软件开放的源代码改动的地方,须遵循如下条款:

  6.2.1 如修改了该软件的源代码,须依据本协议发布修改后的源代码。
  6.2.2 如修改了该软件的源代码,须保留代码里面该软件原有的所有标志。
  6.2.3 您可以在代码中追加您自己的标志。
  6.2.4 您可以对您开发的衍生作品进行收费。  
  6.2.5 第三方的用户可在遵循6.2所有条款下可继续在您开发的衍生作品基础上进行修改并发布。

6.3 您开发的衍生作品中独立于本软件开发的代码,可以源代码或二进制的方式进行发布,可免费或收费发布。
6.4 您开发的衍生作品不得以任何方式去除、隐藏或遮掩该软件的任一标志。


7.1 我欢迎并感谢您为该软件开发基于API的各种应用,比如客户端软件等。
7.2 您基于该软件API机制开发的应用,可以源代码或者二进制的方式进行发布,我对此没有任何限制。
7.3 您基于该软件API机制开发的应用,授权协议可以自行约定,我对此没有任何限制。
7.4 您基于该软件API机制开发的应用,可以免费或者收费发布,我对此没有任何限制。




9.1 如果您违反了该协议的任一条款,该授权协议将自动终止,我保留通过法律手段追究责任的权利。


Since Richard Matthew Stallman’s Free Software Movement, free software and open source software have been booming. It has played
a huge role in human civilization. However, open source software is exploited by the rising To-Business companies,
especially cloud computing ones. They take more than what they give back, and even breach open source consensus, such as infringement.
Hence, some open source software teams have to take actions to stop this, e.g.


However, those licenses are condemned by the community who follow the lead of OSI(Open Source Initiative) for not being approved by OSI.
Only talking about being open source but ignoring the struggling open source developers will not solve the problem for those developers.
Only under the premised of their survival, can open source software developers keep maintaining open source software. Hence, we believe that,  

Any software that helps others, no matter what its size, functions, license, or open source percentage is, should be respected;
Any behavior that helps the developers, no matter what its form, participation, succession, duration, should be encouraged and appreciated.

Therefore, ZENTAO OPEN SOFTWARE LICENSE 1.0, different from open source, is drafted to seek a balance between being open and being commercial.   



ZENTAO OPEN SOFTWARE LICENSE, also known as ZOSL Agreement, is drafted by Qingdao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD. (easysoft.ltd).
Anyone can use the agreement to publish open software by editing the blank underlined part of the following text of the agreement accordingly.
No other text of the agreement shall be changed. Qingdao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD has the final interpretation of the terms in the agreement.


___________ (Hereinafter referred to as "the software") developed by _____________ (hereinafter referred to "I"). I am entitled to all copyrights of the software.
The software is released as open source software. You are authorized to use the software as long as you are in compliance with this agreement.
By the installation of the software, you agree that a contractual relationship between you and me is automatically established.
You are obliged to fully comply with all the terms of this agreement unless you choose to stop using the software or you have signed additional contracts with me.

My Contact: ___________________________________________________________________.

You and I agree:

Indications of the software include:

    Notes, texts, pictures and links showing copyright attribution of the software in the source code and related documentation.                                  
    and texts, picture and links on the interface of the software when running.


    texts, picture and links on the interface of the demo versions of the software.

1. Disclaimer

The software is open software, so you are authorized to use the software without paying a fee. Before you start to use it, please note:

  1.1 I do not have any obligation to provide technical support for the software. You can contact me to purchase technical support.
  1.2 I am not responsible for any liability caused by your using the software directly or indirectly.
  1.3 Open software does not mean it is free of charge, neither does it mean the software does not have any copyright.

2. For personal use

2.1 You or your company/organization are authorized to use the software for your internal use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
2.2 You or your company/organization are authorized to run the software on any number of computers.
2.3 You or your company/organization are authorized to modify the source code available in the software to meet your requirements. You do not need to release the modified codes.
2.4 You or your company/organization must keep all the indications of the software when using it. None of the indications can be removed, hidden or obscured in any way.

3. For customized software

3.1 You are authorized to use the software to deploy various forms of application for your users in any way you like.
3.2 You are authorized to use the software to deploy any number of applications for your users.
3.3 You are authorized to modify the source code available in the software to meet your user's requirements without releasing the modified codes.
3.4 You are authorized to provide the modified codes to your users in either source code or binary.
3.5 You must keep all the indications of the software when providing applications to your users.
3.6 None of the indications of the software may be removed, hidden or obscured in any way when you provide applications to your users.

4. Online service

4.1 You are authorized to use the software to build your online service for your users in any way you like.
4.2 You are authorized to use the software to build your online service for any number of your users.
4.3 You are authorized to modify the source codes available in the software to meet your user's requirements on online service without releasing the modified codes.
4.4 You must notify your users clearly that your service is based on the software when you use it to build your online service.
4.5 You must keep all the indications of the software when providing online service to your users.
4.6 You must keep all the indications of the software in any application you make for your users. None of the indications can be hidden or obscured in any way.
4.7 You are forbidden from assisting your users by providing tools for your users to remove, hide or obscure any indication of the software when you use the software to build your online service.

5. Publish or integrate the software without modification

5.1 You are authorized to publish the software on your personal sites, cormpany official website or other third-party sites.
5.2 You are authorized to integrate the software with other systems, such as cloud virtual machine images, operating system images and so on.
5.3 Do not modify the source code available in the software when you publish or integrate it.
5.4 All indications of the software must be kept the same when you publish or integrate the software.

6. Publish derived work based on the software

6.1 You are authorized to develop derived work based on the software.
6.2 The modified codes of the software in your derived work must follow the following terms:

  6.2.1 The source code available in the software must be released if you make any modification to the software.  
  6.2.2 All indications of the software must be kept the same.  
  6.2.3 You are entitled to add your indications to the modified codes.  
  6.2.4 You are entitled to charge fees for the derived work you developed based on the software.  
  6.2.5 You agree to authorize third party users to modify and release the derived work in compliance with 6.2.

6.3 If the codes of the work are independently developed by yourself, you are authorized to release the work in either source code form or binary. You are entitled to charge your users or make it free.
6.4 None of the indications of the software can be removed, hidden or obscured in any way in the derived work you developed.

7. Publish applications based on API of the software

7.1 You are authorized to develop your applications based on the API of the software, for example, client software.
7.2 You are authorized to publish applications you developed based on the API in either source code or binary.
7.3 You are authorized to use your license to release applications you developed based on the API.
7.4 You are entitled to release applications you developed based on the API either free or with a charge.

8. Exceptions

If the terms above do not meet your requirements when using the software, please contact me for a more flexible license.

9. Termination

9.1 Violation of any of the terms of the agreement will result in immediate termination of this license. I reserve all rights to take legal actions in case of any dispute.

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